Candidate Texting: Best Practices for Recruitment and Hiring

June 28, 2024 by Verified First

Candidate Texting: Best Practices for Recruitment and Hiring

Texting is one of the most widely used forms of communication in the U.S. Your candidates are likely already using their phones while searching for jobs, even if your company isn’t. It should be no surprise that candidates open and respond to more text messages than emails. In fact, companies see up to a 50% higher response rate in texts versus emails

From healthcare and technology to nonprofits and manufacturing, high-quality candidates are not far from their phones, no matter your industry. Luckily, recruitment and talent acquisition technology has advanced to help your organization take advantage of candidate texting. 

This article will explore candidate texting and its benefits for recruitment and hiring, plus best practices to help your organization utilize efficient candidate texting strategies. 

Candidate Texting Benefits in Recruitment and Hiring

Candidate texting offers a rapid, more accessible way to connect with applicants in real time. Text messages can be an easier, more effective way to communicate important application and hiring updates to candidates. Candidate text messages can include: 

  • Completing applications, assessments, and job forms
  • Communicating with hiring teams
  • Scheduling interviews
  • Facilitating background checks 
  • Providing reference information

Accelerated Communication

Candidate texting is efficient. This accelerated communication can expedite the hiring process, allowing recruiters and hiring managers to move qualified talent through the pipeline faster and improve both time-to-hire and time-to-fill rates. According to Aptitude Research, organizations utilizing candidate texting are two times more likely to fill positions in the first two weeks

Improved Candidate Engagement

Candidate texting offers unique and personal ways to improve candidate engagement and create a positive hiring experience. Texting allows recruiters and hiring managers to communicate directly and more intimately with potential candidates. This level of personalization and accessibility leads to higher levels of engagement, which enhances the candidate experience. Companies using candidate texting experienced a 48% improvement in the candidate experience.  

Candidate Texting Best Practices

Updating your recruitment and hiring strategies and processes can feel intimidating. Fortunately, candidate texting can be adopted quickly if you know where to start. Here are some tips to help your organization build a candidate texting strategy that converts quality applicants:

Personalize Candidate Text Messages

As a recruiter or hiring manager, you know that personalization is key to engaging candidates and building authentic, meaningful relationships. The same is true for candidate text messaging. 

Personalized text messages allow your organization to demonstrate a genuine interest and respect for the candidate, increasing the likelihood of a positive response. Candidates are 38% more likely to accept a job offer after a positive candidate experience, which makes texting candidates an efficient way to recruit and retain top talent. 

Addressing candidates by their preferred name is a great start, but consider other ways to personalize your candidate text interactions. Consider referencing specific details from their resume or interview within text messages. Pro tip: take personalization a step further in candidate texting by tailoring content to each individual’s interests and preferences. 

Establish Communication Guidelines

Professionalism and consistency are key to effective candidate communication. To accomplish both, your organization should establish clear communication guidelines regarding candidate texting in the recruitment and hiring process. Consider addressing the following aspects in your candidate texting guidelines: 

  • Preferred hours of contact
  • Messaging frequency
  • Information that can be shared via text
  • When and how candidate texting is used

By setting clear expectations and guidelines, your organization can better avoid miscommunications, improving efficiency and the overall candidate experience.  

Obtain Consent 

Respecting candidates' privacy and preferences is paramount to efficient and compliant candidate text messaging. Although many job seekers prefer text communication, it can still be rude or invasive to text a candidate without permission. 

Recruitment and hiring managers should obtain explicit and formal consent (i.e. opting into your text service) before initiating text communication. During your initial points of contact with a candidate, ask about their preferred communication methods. Pro-tip: Provide clear opt-in and opt-out instructions to ensure candidates can choose their communication style. 

Define Your Brand Voice

Candidate texting is another way to showcase your brand’s mission and personality. Make sure you clearly define and communicate your brand voice when texting candidates. As mentioned above, professionalism and consistency are key to efficient candidate text messaging. Ensure that every text and candidate interaction showcases your brand properly. 

Text message etiquette is also important when communicating with candidates via text. While many people want to abbreviate and utilize common text message acronyms, it’s best to be clear and explicit with candidates. You can still curate a fun and unique brand voice without sacrificing professionalism and clear communication. Pro-tip: incorporate relevant emojis to add some visual flare and excitement to your candidate text messages. 

Automate and Integrate Efficiently

Texting with your candidates provides an accessible, more effective form of communication. But, it can also allow your recruitment and hiring departments to automate aspects of the hiring process to improve efficiency and the overall experience. 

When exploring texting options, organizations often automate job sharing and interview scheduling. However, there are more ways to utilize candidate texting technology to automate HR tasks. Did you know you can expedite and automate your pre-employment background screening process with candidate texting? Here’s how:

  • Applicant background check invites
  • Reminders to complete background checks
  • Mobile-friendly form completions
  • Digital consent 

Partnering with a background screening provider like Verified First can streamline communication and give you significant time back during the hiring process. 

Streamline Recruitment and Hiring with Verified First

While candidate texting is a valuable communication strategy, it should not fully replace other communication channels and tools. When used in conjunction with efficient email, phone calls, and in-person or video communication, candidate text messaging can help your organization create a cohesive and comprehensive recruitment and hiring strategy.  

Verified First offers mobile-ready background screening. In three simple steps, you can quickly evaluate qualified candidates, move talent through your pipeline, and make more informed hiring decisions. Plus, we partner with 100+ and counting leading hiring and talent management solutions including applicant tracking systems, candidate relationship management platforms, and more. With Verified First, you can take advantage of the power of candidate communication and automation to streamline and expedite the pre-employment screening and hiring process. 

Get started with candidate texting today.

About Verified First
Verified First is known for delivering streamlined background screening backed by the best client support, and for developing the easiest, fastest HR system integrations, for free. Our client support team is U.S.-based, answers calls in seconds, resulting in hundreds of positive testimonials and a 96% customer satisfaction. Verified First's patent-pending, award-winning integrations include over 100 applicant tracking systems, and provide clients a turn-key experience.

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