Verified First integrates with Team Engine, allowing users to easily order, review, and manage background screening solutions without having to leave Team Engine's platform. Start screening in Team Engine with the help of Verified First.
Browser Extension: Easily integrate Verified First’s background screening solutions with Team Engine through the Verified First's browser extension.
Employers increasingly find their business growth constrained by labor, unable to generate more revenue without the talent needed to perform the work. As those employers struggle to fill vacant positions, their existing staff become overburdened with additional responsibilities, and eventually quit, further compounding the problem and enormous costs associated with it. This is happening everywhere, and it’s not merely a trend, but rather a permanent shift rooted in workforce demographics.
To solve this problem, companies need to look within and reflect on their relationship with their own employees. The companies that are thriving today—despite the labor market challenges—are doing so by creating a culture of mutual respect and commitment between employer and employee. When employees truly feel valued by their employer, they become a force for growth and great execution for customers.
But getting there—especially in blue-collar industries—requires a unique approach. Margins are thin, people are distributed, they often speak different languages, they don’t use email, and leaders are focused on day-to-day operations. Solutions must address these unique aspects head on to create sustainable, scalable change.
Enter Team Engine, the HR communication platform that helps growing companies outcompete for top talent by automating best practices in hiring and employee engagement. Say good-bye to manual, disjointed, time-consuming processes and hello to intuitive, customizable software that automatically executes on the critical, time-sensitive components of an exceptional talent strategy.