Verified First integrates with Jobma, allowing users to easily order, review, and manage background screening solutions without having to leave Jobma's platform. Start screening in Jobma with the help of Verified First.
Browser Extension: Easily integrate Verified First’s background screening solutions with Jobma through the Verified First's browser extension.
Built in texting and messaging
Video interviewing is all about mobility. And now you can reach candidates more efficiently by using our texting features. Built in chat and messaging tools give you more options to contact candidates when you want to.
Seamless mobile experience
We understand not all candidates will have access to a laptop or a webcam. Which is why our platform works seamlessly across all mobile devices. Candidates get the same amazing experience regardless of what device they use.
Collaborations, done right
Our collaboration tools let your hiring team truly be a team. You can share candidate’s video recordings and feedback, assign tags, use our innovative star rating system and work together to find the best candidate.
Pre-recorded video interview
One of the biggest time sinks in modern day hiring is the telephone screening process. A pre-recorded video interview replaces that and your time to hire goes down significantly. Screen more candidates in less time while bringing uniformity to your hiring process.
Live video interview
No one does live video interviews like Jobma. Ever wished you could go back and review an interview with a colleague? Now you can. Our live video interviews can also be recorded and made available on demand. So if you ever need a second look at an interview, it is always there.
Reduce hiring costs
Using our Live video interview, you can cut down on hiring related travel costs significantly. Video interviews let you have the same amazing interview experience without the hassle of traveling.
Improve time to hire
Replacing your traditional phone screening process with a pre-recorded interview leads to a substantial reduction of your time to hire. Screen more candidates in less time.
Increase your geographical outreach
Expand your talent pool by reaching out to a larger geographical area. Since traveling is no longer part of the equation, you can screen candidates from farther away without worrying about travel costs and scheduling conflicts.