The Power of a Dynamic Duo:


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Background Screening with

Verified First now integrates with IdealTraits via browser extension, streamlining your hiring and onboarding process from start to finish. With this one-click integration, users leveraging IdealTraits can easily order, review, and manage Verified First's background screening solutions without ever having to leave IdealTraits' platform. Plus, it's robust enough to look like an API integration - button and all - but it's ultimately built for ease of use. It's a high-tech screening solution built for low-tech people.

Oh and the best part? It's free!

You're not dreaming!Try it for yourself!

  1. Download the VF Connector in your desired web browser: ChromeSafariFirefox, or Edge.
  2. Open it in IdealTraits.
  3. Start screening with Verified First!

about IdealTraits 

Started in 2012 and founded on 25 years of insurance agency management experience, IdealTraits offers an insurance-specific platform and applicant tracking system with the tools to ensure you are making the ideal hire when it comes to growing your team and your business. When you sign up with IdealTraits, you have the ability to build job posts with templated descriptions, seamlessly post job ads on over 100 job boards with just the click of a button, assess candidates, interview on Zoom, send offer letters, and make the right hire.

Our insurance-specific personality assessment has been backed by multiple university studies and validated by over 9,000 agencies with over 50,000 quality hires. We are proud to be partnered with multiple insurance corporations to help agents all over the country build their ideal team, whether they have been in business for 50 years or are just opening their agency doors. Schedule a Demo today!

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Let Verified First and IdealTraits:

Streamline your hiring & onboarding process by easily connecting your hiring solutions.

Save you time and resources, so you can focus on what matters most — the people.

Empower you with top-notch client care and support.

About Verified First

There are hundreds of background screening service providers to choose from, so what makes Verified First stand out? Compared to popular background screening companies, Verified First offers robust screening services with industry-leading customer care and cutting-edge technology. Unlike the big-box providers, Verified First is a privately-owned Idaho company, so we can focus on the needs of our customers and not the whims of shareholders. Experience the difference in service, technology, and client care—get to know Verified First!

  • Easy integration reduces data entry and saves you time.
  • Rapid turnaround time for most clear searches.
  • Our client care team has a 98% satisfaction rating (you read that right, 98%!)
  • Competitive pricing, no commitment, no minimums.
Verified First PBSA Accreditation
SOC 2 Compliance Badge
HRO Today Baker's Dozen 2023 Pre-Employment Screening Badge MidSize Program Winner