Avatar Screening Integration

Streamline your hiring process through Verified First’s background screening integration with Avatar.

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Background Screening with

Verified First integrates with fleet management solution, Avatar, via browser extension, streamlining your hiring and onboarding process from start to finish. With this one-click integration, Avatar users can easily order, review, and manage Verified First's background screening solutions all within Avatar's fleet management platform.

Better yet, Verified First's Avatar integration is robust enough to look like an API integration - button and all - but it's ultimately as easy as downloading an app. It's a high-tech screening solution built for low-tech people with the need. Plus, it's free!

Sound too good to be true? Just try it for yourself!

  1. Download the VF Connector in your desired web browser: ChromeSafariFirefox, or Edge.
  2. Open it in Avatar's platform.
  3. Start screening with Verified First!

What makes our solution stand-out?

  • Revolutionary technology

    Leverage Verified First's patented technology, API integrations, or our hybrid solutions to run hundreds of background checks and more.

  • Customizable search packages

    With Verified First you can create the perfect screening package that’s customized to your organization.

  • A la carte products

    Verified First's à la carte products allow you to cater our screening services to your unique hiring strategy.

  • Pre-adverse action automation

    Verified First automates the pre-adverse action process, helping you maintain compliance and make informed hiring decisions.

  • Batch rescreening and reminders

    Verified First's solution reduces data entry allowing you to place your batch rescreen order within minutes.

  • SMS Texting capabilities

    Verified First can communicate with candidates via text – free of charge – to expedite your screening process.


We think time is better spent managing relationships, not platforms. Our integration makes screening an effortless part of your hiring process.


Reducing time to hire gives you a competitive advantage, that's why we strive to provide you accurate and thorough results in industry-leading turnaround time.

Client Care

Along with our 98% Client Satisfaction rating (seriously we triple-checked!), our clients experience less than 30-second average response time thanks to our client care staff.

about Avatar 

Avatar provides motor carriers an all-in-one platform to fill empty seats, pass every audit and bring drivers home safely. DriverHub is a driver recruiting, compliance and training software that converts leads, onboards drivers and automates repetitive Compliance and Safety tasks. Our Professional Services give you access to experts to help with driver marketing, recruiting, compliance and safety.


DriverHub is a driver recruiting and compliance software that converts leads, manages candidates and automates repetitive Recruiting, Compliance and Safety tasks. It features:

  • Integrations with best-in-class providers for background checks, telematics, TMS, vehicle maintenance and HRIS/payroll.
  • AvatarAssistant, a powerful automation and artificial intelligence tool.

Training Marketplace

Avatar‘sTraining Marketplace centralizes a motor carrier’s training content, including:

  • Third-Party Content: Access a wide variety of training content from third-party providers, such as LLLC and Driver Education Network.
  • Custom Content: Upload your internal training documents and videos and track employee participation.

Professional Services

Avatar’s Professional Services allow Safety Directors to scale up driver recruiting, compliance and training quickly. We can be a constant extension of your team — or turn us up when it’s busy and turn us down when it’s slow.


  • One-Time Engagements
    • Purple Cow Creative: You have a great culture, you just help telling your story. Avatar helps you identify your employer brand positioning in the marketplace. You get a Purple Cow pitch that turns heads delivered in a careers site and digital ad upgrades packed full of driver testimonials. provides deliverables you can use to update your online presence.
    • Website Creation: An online facelift to show off your culture so candidates know why you’re a great company to work for and customers will know why they should choose you.If you need a modern, functional website, Avatar can help.
    • Online Presence Optimizer: Show up in the right search terms when candidates are looking for the best companies to drive for.
  • Ongoing Services
    • Driver Marketing Agency: Avatar serves as your fractional marketing team with two goals: fill your empty seats and reduce your cost per hire.
    • Driver Recruiting Services: More leads than you can handle? Avatar becomes part of your recruiting team: answering phones, qualifying drivers and more.


  • One-Time Engagements:
    • DQF Scan: Avatar provides manpower to digitize your paper files.
    • DQF Upload: Avatar uploads your digitized files or migrate from your existing software provider to DriverHub.
    • DQF Audit: Avatar reviews your files per FMCSA regulations and identifies any corrective action to take.
  • Ongoing Services:
    • DQF Audit: You do the work, Avatar reviews it regularly for compliance.
    • DQF Management: Avatar executes tasks as an extension of your compliance team.


  • One-Time Engagement: LLLC Instructor & Driver Certification: A defensive driving “train the trainer” program.
visit Avatar website

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